Green Grads

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How to keep mentally strong while staying safe

Time to check in, how are you doing out there? 

Like you, we are making it work in the strange era of COVID, but that’s not to say it isn’t a lonely time being physically distant from you, our customers and friends.

We thought we would say hello and reiterate that you are not alone. We are here for you. In this dark time of year.

If you feel low, lonely, or out of sorts consider some of these pick me ups for those of you feeling stuck:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The list below is not medical advice. HealthLinkBC has excellent mental health resources that can be found here. Or please contact your physician or mental health professional.

  1. Take a walk, get some fresh air. Maybe even twice a day.

  2. Start an exercise routine. Daily exercise is proven to combat certain mental health challenges.

  3. Give meditation a try. Mindfulness can help pull you out of a rut.

  4. Call friends or family and talk about it. You can even call us. If you need help make sure to reach out for it. If you need help here are some helpful crisis resources.

  5. Make the bed, de-clutter your living space. A clean space clears the mind.

  6. Have a shower and get dressed, pretend you have somewhere to be today.

  7. Find a hobby that is possible during the pandemic. Pull out that musical instrument, read a book, get the garden plot cleared for the spring or take up painting that masterpiece.

  8. Write a letter, make a hot cup of tea, take a deep breath, this too will pass.

  9. Write a daily gratitude list. Making this a habit will help you focus on things you have to be thankful for.

That’s what we are doing. We are thankful that you are here with us.

You have been keeping our crews busy cleaning gutters and windows and pressure washing in Vancouver, Surrey, Burnaby and the North Shore (to name a few).

It’s always the same though, the kindness you have all shown through gracious offers and the desire to help local businesses like ours stay alive. 

Your loyalty and your trust have helped us keep going.

It has truly touched us how much you care for and want to help each other.

It’s hard to do the right thing and stay apart, but we want you to know that we are always thinking of you and how to keep you safe.

Sunny days are ahead. I know it. Let’s keep up the hard work and I know we have a bright future where we can be together.